Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I'm back to work today and the kids are back to school. We got a lot done yesterday. Besides spending the whole morning with the tech support guy from work, we took a bunch of things to Goodwill and the consignment store, returned books to the library, washed and waxed my Dad's car to thank him for letting us borrow it for a couple of weeks, picked up garbage where some animal had ripped open our garbage bags, cleaned the house a little (we never get completely done around here) and I worked a while on adding sweatshirts to my Cafepress store. I also worked on one of the adoption grant applications that we are applying for. Some of them are very long and detailed. I always feel good the day after a day when I get a lot done like that. A ton of things crossed off my list, a feeling of accomplishment. Now back to trying to balance work and homeschool. Sigh.

I would like to take this opportunity to show off my Cafepress Store. I'm quite proud of it. (Any money we get from sales in the store goes for our adoption agency fees.) Here is one of the sweatshirts I've recently added.
I'll add any design that anyone requests, just let me know.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Sounds like you have been quite the busy bees! *Smile*

    I do so hate the critter in the trash thing *Argh*

    Any date for adoption yet?

  2. We're still working on the dossier and on raising funds. It'll be a while. ;-)

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Wow! you got a lot done! The shirts at your cafe press look very nice.
