Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I think I should count yesterday as a school day. We had 2 field trips, 1 to the library and 1 to the vet. The vet had just done an emergency c-section and delivered 12 baby puppies and the kids got to see them! We were waiting in the exam room for quite a while and we studied the wallpaper, which had paw prints on it, and tried to estimate how many there were (math). We went to McDonald's and tried to figure out how to get everyone something to eat or drink for $2.14 and 2 coupons. (economics?) After the library trip, my youngest son had to sit down and read 8 books because the summer reading program at the library is over today and that's how many books he needed for the rewards (reading). This one should also be a lesson in not procrastinating, but I doubt it will take. Last night they went to VBS at a friend's church and played badminton afterwards (PE).


  1. I would definitely count it as a schoolday! The trip to the vet's sounds really cool! I bet they loved that!

  2. Sounds educational to me! *Grin*
