Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Busy, busy ...

So much for the lazy days of summer. I don't know who that pertains to, but it is certainly not me. Today, I worked the morning on my day job, picked blackberries and then spent the afternoon working on my Cafe Press store. I am going to count that as a second job because it does take a lot of time. So, I worked at my first job, then my second job and now I'm going to take the kids to VBS. Last night I stayed and helped a little but tonight, I just don't want to. I'm tired. I'm one of those people who has a hard time saying no, but sometimes you really need to. I need a nap! Hey, does blogging count as my third job? (Although, as you can tell, I only spend a few minutes blogging each day, so probably not!) Where does homeschooling fit in? Third? Fourth? It doesn't sound like I have my priorities straight, does it? I'll probably slow down on the Cafe Press work when school starts again. Hopefully, I can have the store in pretty good shape by then.


  1. I find myself squeezing every last drop out of every "just for mommy" minute I can these days. I know that school will be starting soon... The box from Rainbow should be coming any day now! *Giddy*

  2. That's wonderful! Have fun with it!

  3. Your Cafe Press store looks really neat! Love the Drama King stuff, I may have to get one for my middle son, he gets called that quite often.
