Thursday, May 18, 2006


I was reading blogs last night and came across an article about homeschool scheduling, which sounded interesting. It said if you were balancing schooling kids, working and housework, you should assign a day to each one, as in Monday school, Tuesday cleaning, Wednesday, school, Thursday business, etc. I thought it was interesting, not totally applicable to me because I need to work most days and we are supposed to do 180 days of school, but she had a couple of different approaches to scheduling which I am thinking about. I think the bigger blocks of time for each thing are probably a good idea, even if not the whole day. (I wish I could link it but I can't remember where I saw it!). Today, I'm kind of doing that schedule. I'm working, working, working. I've got a funeral to go to tomorrow which is a 2 hour drive away and will probably take most of the day, so today I'm working. The kids are doing a lot of PE today while I work, lucky them.

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