Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fizzling Out.

My enthusiasm for school has waned lately and I've been struggling with getting anything done. I am thinking of going ahead and saying we're done with school for this year, but doing a summer school plan to get in those last few hours we need to do and keep some of the skills they've learned from being forgotten. I know we'll do a lot of family reading this summer because we always do, both with my reading and with audio books but I also think that at least the younger two need some extra practice with reading, spelling and writing all summer long. I'm not sure what to do about it. I did get 2 books for the youngest called Games for Reading and Games for Writing which I think I'll do with him this summer, along with the reading treasure hunts book. For my daughter, I'd like to find some kind of daily worksheet that would review everything, just a tiny bit at a time for her. They used to have something at public school called "Drops in the Bucket" which had a little bit of math, little bit of grammar, little bit of spelling, etc., just enough so that the skills won't be forgotten. With my older son, I'll probably just let him read all summer as usual, with some field trips and stuff thrown in.

I'm changing the subject here, but I have to tell something my youngest said at the library yesterday. We were looking in the adult nonfiction section and saw a book by Super Nanny Jo Frost. I started to get it and my youngest son said "Don't read it! Don't read it! You're perfect the way you are!" LoL. I guess he doesn't want to visit the naughty spot!

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