Saturday, May 06, 2006


Today, the kids had a playdate. The kids who came to visit were very well behaved and polite. Still, I don't really like it that much when the kids have playdates. Isn't that awful? I think it is my insecurities coming out about whether the house is clean enough, whether I'll serve okay food, etc., or maybe it is having responsibility for someone else's kids? It always goes well, so I don't know why I stress out about it. We don't live in a neighborhood with other neighborhood kids and I'm not used to having anyone else around. The kids that came today were a little afraid of our dogs so that made it a tad difficult. Our dogs, who are very well loved and friendly, just cannot understand when someone doesn't want them to jump up and say hello. The kids played outside, swung on the rope swing, explored the woods a little bit and fell in the creek (all except my oldest son), so all in all, they had a good day. I used to "fall" in the creek whenever I could when I was a kid too, so I was very understanding about it and thank goodness, the other parents were too.

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