Friday, May 05, 2006

News for Today.

Sometimes it is hard to think of what to write and especially hard to write a title for it, especially before I've even written it! Today I'm reporting on several different things around here so that's why the "news" title.

My daughter broke a bone in her hand on Monday night and yesterday, she got put in a cast for it. It is light blue and she loved having the cast on until last night, when it started itching. It is not so much fun anymore.

And then there were 2, triops that is. Killer only has one friend now, whose name is Tiny. I wonder how long until Killer is alone?

And in other news, we are going on a field trip today to a museum and a park and hopefully have a lot of fun. I need to put batteries in my camera!

To keep busy between working, homeschooling, taking care of the kids and house and filling out the adoption papers, I've been updating my Cafepress shop. I've added a lot to it. Check it out here.


  1. Sounds like you have had a lot going on! *Hugs-a-bunch*

    Taking a break from blogging for the summer... Hope to see you again in the fall! *Smile*

  2. That is a very good idea! I might do that too. Have fun!
