Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Spring Blahs.

Really nothing has been going on this week out of the ordinary, but some of us in this house have been kind of whiny and cranky. I think it is spring fever or some kind of spring blahs. We don't want to work. We are moving slowly through the animal growth and development unit. We purchased some triops eggs and a butterfly pavilion. We have had 2 critters of some kind hatch so far and we've send the card to receive our butterfly larvae. Our unit also includes studying eggs and this is a good week to do that, so after we get some at the grocery tomorrow, we'll study them a bit and do some of the activities in our curriculum and probably color a few, just in time for Easter week.


  1. Sounds like you are having fun despite the blahhs. :) My cat has had a case of them, too. All she does all day is watch the birds and bees outside and make little noises - wishing she were out there where she could get her little claws into them all.

  2. Yes, I have the blahs but we are moving forward with the little critters. That helps.
