Sunday, April 09, 2006

Best Mom in the World.

Apparently, today I'm the best mom in the world because I bought the kid's Icee's when we were out shopping. Funny how that works. One day this week, if I remember correctly, I was the "meanest mom in the world" and today, I'm the best. Tomorrow, back to meanest. Oh well, I'm not in it for the recognition or titles anyway. Good thing.


  1. LOL! Being a parent certainly teaches humility. You can go from being a glorious hero to a villian - and vice versa - in 2 seconds flat!

  2. She was the best of moms... she was the worst of moms... hmm... a new classic? *TeeHee*

  3. LoL. I should write a book!

    Best mom, worst mom,
    glorious hero, terrible villian ...
