Wednesday, March 01, 2006


In a last minute decision yesterday, I decided to start with the unit on patience in the KONOS book because it involves plants and gardening, planting things and watching them grow, which is perfect for this time of year. We'll start some seedlings indoors for our garden. Then, when spring is truly here, we'll do orderliness which is more about the classification of plants and animals. I think it fits better with the season we're in and it will be easier to get samples of leaves once the trees actually have leaves. LoL. Anyway, in our typical fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants fashion, we're off and learning again. We will be making plant notebooks.

I was feeling a bit discouraged so I went around the internet, reading a few articles on homeschooling and I feel a bit better now. Still, it is overwhelming at times, trying to homeschool, work and do all the other things I have to do. In an email discussion this morning, that I was involved in, one homeschool mom asked everyone else how we get it all done (especially housework). Another mom answered that the only thing that she'd done successfully, as far as housework goes, was to lower her standards. LoL. I love it.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a sign the other day that really fits me... *My house was clean last week... sorry you missed it!*
