Monday, February 27, 2006


I found my curriculum book! It helps that it is as big as a city phone book and bright yellow! It was on the homeschool shelves, where it is supposed to be, but turned backwards so that the pages showed instead of the spine of the book. Of course everyone here is denying having put it on the shelf that way and there is some tendency to blame "crazy mama" but I deny it too! Anyway, it is here and we can start being orderly or at least learning about the concept.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Isn't that the way it ALWAYS is? It shows up right where it belongs, and NOBODY in the house knows how or where it was the other times you looked there! See, I told you they have secret legs. If that book would talk, I bet it had some great adventures and had to scamper really fast to get back on the shelf when it realized you were looking for it, LOL!

  2. Yup... it's always in the last place you look! *LOL*

  3. The part that was most surprising is that it was where it is supposed to be. Weird. LoL.

  4. True, how many times that actually ever happen? Hmm... do I hear the Twilight Zone music? *LOL*
