Friday, March 31, 2006

My Date.

Yesterday, I went on a lovely lunch date with a wonderful gentleman, a sweet guy, a little less than 4 feet tall, my 7 year old. It was such a beautiful day yesterday that we couldn't do school, so we decided to take a day off. We've been having a kind of hit and miss spring break, doing school a couple of days and taking a couple off. My daughter was invited to go shopping with her cousin and my older son was invited to a friend's house, so my younger son and I went out for Chinese food followed by a bit of toy shopping. Boy, for a little guy, he can sure put the Chinese food away. I think he must have a hollow leg! It's good to have some 1 on 1 time with each child from time to time. It started out as a way to make him feel better since he didn't have a playdate and ended up with his brother and sister jealous and wanting their date with mom. They are already planning what they'll order, LoL.


  1. What a wonderful time!

  2. Sounds delightful! Funny how the other two felt like they were the ones missing out. Go Mom! *Smile*
