Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Checklist.

One of the things that worries homeschool parents is that they won't teach their children everything that they need to know, that there will be educational gaps. Of course, if you think about it, probably everyone's education has some gaps. You might have learned a great deal about whatever your teacher was most interested in. You might not have learned a subject you needed to learn, but that your teacher found boring or tedious to teach. Of course the school system may have changed the order that they taught subjects in, causing you to miss some things. You might have moved to another school district and completely missed studying the parts of speech. You did okay, right? We've all read the quote about how education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire and we've read the homeschool authors who reassure us that no one's education is without gaps and as long as they know how to learn they'll be fine. If, despite all these reasurrances, you still worry, there is The Checklist. Oh the joy of it for people who love to check things off on a list! Of course, we don't need anything like this ... I don't know about you all, but I really, really want it.


  1. Running... screaming... *LOL*

  2. What? You don't enjoy checking things off of a list!?

    You're missing out on a great joy!

  3. Nope... not a list girl... not even for groceries! *Chuckle*

  4. That looks pretty cool - I rather liked what I saw at a homeschool convention a few years ago - Joyce Herzog's Luke's List. Besides the typical academic stuff it has other life skills, such as (if I remember correctly) learning how to jump start a car - which - having two daughters, I thought was pretty cool. Here is a link to her website:
