Monday, February 06, 2006

Tagged! (Kind of)

Four jobs I've had:
Head Start Teacher, Caseworker, Phone answerer, Medical Transcriptionist.

Four movies I can watch over and over:
While You Were Sleeping, Seredipity, Home Alone, The Princess Bride.

Four places that I've lived:
My parent's house, college dorm (Eastern Kentucky University), mobile home when first married, current house.

Four TV shows that I like:
Medium, The Apprentice, Trading Spaces, Flip That House. I also like everything on HGTV.

Four places I've vacationed:
Gatlinburg, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Cave City.

Four of my favorite dishes:
Mashed potatoes, Cream of broccoli soup, anything mexican, anything chocolate.

Four sites I visit daily:
MT Daily, Blogspot, My.Yahoo and various curriculum sites.

Four places I would rather be right now:
In a house with at least 4 bedrooms and a basement and cable internet, in the HGTV dream house I've just won (I wish), on vacation someplace warm and China.

Four bloggers I am tagging:

1. You

2. You

3. You

4. And You !

If you have as much fun being "It" as I do, please play along, and let me know you did, okay ?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Hmm... didn't know you were planning on moving in with me! (The HGTV Dream House)

    I guess the more the merrier! *LOL*

    Thanks for playing! Since we usually focus on the kids, I enjoy getting to know my blog friends better. *Smile*
