Sunday, February 05, 2006

Our Mixed Up Unit Study.

We're still reading Mr. Popper's Penguins. Because of circumstances with getting materials from the library and from Amazon, etc. we seem to be studying all of the determination subunits at the same time. The subunits in the determination unit are arctic/antarctic expeditions (I added some about the Iditarod), handicaps, great feats/buildings/bridges and the Olympic games. We started with the Olympics, thinking we'd do a review when the actual games came up. We seem to move right on through the KONOS units a bit quickly, doing them for a month to 6 weeks instead of 9 weeks. So Friday we were building bridges. We went to the library on Saturday to get some more books on building bridges and other great buildings and found that our movies had finally come in: Iron Will (about a dog sled race) and The Endurance, about Shackleton's adventure in the antartic. Next week, the Olympics come on TV and I'm trying to figure how to get an Olympic sized housecleaning effort going on at the same time, maybe clean by day and watch the Olympics at night?

Here's Mr. Popper's Penguins.

And here are some links to on-line free unit studies about it.

Mr Popper's Penguins

Of course, since we're doing so many different things at once in our mixed up unit study, we're also reading
Alone Across the Arctic, which is very good.

There is a lot of information in this book too.

Iditarod Links

Anyone who knows me would expect me to teach units this way, I suppose. All mixed up and kind of crazy, but fun.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    We LOVED Mr. Popper's Penguins!!! Have you read, "Balto, the Bravest Dog Ever" yet? If not, check it out. I bet your youngest would LOVE to read it, although it may be a bit too easy for him...I can't remember for sure. Still, a very good story!
