Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Still Watching the Olympics

We're doing our Olympic cleaning and watching the Olympics this week and actually, it feels like a break. It's easier than doing all the planning I'm usually doing for homeschooling. I hope to get the house cleaned really well and maybe do some kind of small end of unit party at the end of the Olympics. KONOS emphasizes concluding units on a postitive note with some kind of celebration. Maybe we'll have some people over to see the notebooks and other things the kids have made and done. The next unit will either be orderliness or patience neither of which I am qualified to teach!!! That should be interesting!


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    So next unit you will be learning right along with them! This is a good thing, trust me. :-) Wish we could come over to see the notebooks and things, but the drive is just a bit much. :-(

  2. I hope I do learn some orderliness and patience! Can an old dog learn new tricks?

    Come on and see them. A certain girl around here keeps asking when you all are coming back!
