Thursday, February 16, 2006

Patience? Order? Me?

I'm trying to decide which of these units to teach next. Both have large sections on plants, orderliness has sections on animal classification and plant classification. Patience actually has a small sub-unit on gardening. Since spring is coming I was thinking we could use our garden as a laboratory. I may have to do both at the same time. No problem, right? I mean I'm a model of patience and orderliness in real life or at least a good example of what NOT to do! LoL.

Maybe after these units I will become patient and orderly. I hope so.


  1. I am having a hard time with science this year it is so boring and to much prep work for me.Do you know where you are adopting from yet?I mean is it another country or someone yuo know.?Thank you so much for stopping by my blog I was feeling a little sad because I had no comments.Have a blessed day.

  2. We are hoping for China, but it is all still up in the air, moneywise.

    You're welcome! I enjoyed reading your blog.

  3. Anonymous10:13 PM

    And then when you are a model of those virtues, you can teach me, ROFL!

  4. You'd better watch me for signs of what NOT to do!
