Friday, February 10, 2006


The Olympics start tonight and we are going to watch a lot of the games. I haven't decided if we are going to do very many enrichment activities to go with them, or mainly just watch. I'm still not feeling up to par. We studied them a few weeks ago, but there's always more to do. At the very least, we'll look up countries on the map and track the medals. We are going to do our spring cleaning and in honor of the olympic games, we are calling it our the olympics of housecleaning. I think maybe some medals should be awarded. Hmmm. The gold medal in vacuuming goes to ....

1 comment:

  1. We are watching a lot of Olympics, just for the fun of it. Part of me feels guilty for not planning wonderful lessons around it. The rest of me is too tired and glad that Maddie is enjoying the games and learning about the sports and the athletes.
