Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mom's Day Off.

I kind of took a day off from homeschooling yesterday. I've been feeling bad lately, tired and draggy. I finally took my temperature last night and it was 100.4, so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, I told the kids that they were on their own as far as school was concerned because I just didn't feel good. I called to get an appointment at the doctor but couldn't get one until today.

So, on their own, the kids gave me a kind of glimpse into unschooling. My older son read a lot of the day, (LANGUAGE ARTS)walked the dog, rode his bike (PE)and spent quite a while on the phone with a homeschooled friend (SOCIALIZATION). My 2 younger kids set up their painting selling shops, writing signs for the shop name and writing a 'sorry we're closed" sign. (WRITING, ECONOMICS) About every 5 minutes one of them would come to my desk and say "Do you want to buy a painting?" and if I said no they would say "Don't you at least want to look at them?" and of course I would and would end up buying them. The prices ranged from 2 cents each to 8 cents each. (SALESMANSHIP???)

Then, UPS came and delivered our wonderful new reading book and off they went, doing treasure hunt after treasure hunt. (READING) When I told them not to do anymore today, my daughter re-hid all the clues from all of the previous hunts and they did it again, in a mega treasure hunt.

Later in the afternoon it started snowing and apparently it seemed like a good idea to go outside, ride their bikes in the snow and try to catch snowflakes in their mouths. (PE)

That evening, they played a game of Spin, Spend and Earn, which is a board game that teaches counting money skills. (MATH).

Maybe I'm out of a teaching job now? ;-)


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Hope you are feeling better soon! *Hugs*

    Something tells me, we never have to wonder about being out of our job! *LOL*

  2. Thanks. I've got an antibiotic and multivitamins so maybe I'll be feeling better soon.

  3. Hope you feeling better!
