Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A little break.

We decided to take this week off from school, a little break for everyone. We just finished the states and regions study and before we start the next one, we're taking some time off. It feels good. My father was admitted to the hospital last night and I was up there until very late, (He's okay now), so probably there would have been no school today anyway, but I'm kind of glad we have planned to take the whole week off.

Now I need to decide what we are going to study next.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I heard about this advertising scheme on a another blog, that gives away free computers. It sounded like a scam, but after I googled it, it was legitmiate. You have to sign up for an offer from one the sponser companies. I did the botox alternative one and canceled before the free trial time was up. That was it! I just recieved my new mini computer and it didn't cost me a thing! Here's the link if you're on as tight of a budget as I am.

