Sunday, October 09, 2005


I love fall. I love the way it looks with the beautiful leaves changing colors and I love the cooler weather and wearing sweaters. We're going to take a 1 week fall break from school and do a bit of fall cleaning. I can't say that I love that, but it needs to be done. The weather should be great for it, anyway.

I'm glad that we homeschool because it definitely allows for flexibility in things like that. It also helps with my and my husband's work schedule because he has an odd shift and wouldn't get to see the kids during the week at all and I can pick up more work on the weekends when the work is more plentiful and the pay is a bit higher. I actually think it is easier to homeschool than to do public school. I've done both. With public school, the day starts really early, there's a lot of stress about getting to school on time. When they come home, there's a lot of homework, bath and bed with very little spare time to play outside. Since we're homeschooling, we've started sleeping in later, going to bed later, getting in a lot more time playing and generally feeling more relaxed and happy.

One last thought from my youngest son. A few minutes ago he said to me "If you hold a bobble-head by the head, then it becomes a bobble-body." I can tell he's been thinking today. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Yup! Hate to say it, but I told you so, LOL! Seriously, you all have the perfect setup for homeschooling to work for you.
