Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Learning about Whales.

We're still learning about New England. Today we focused on whales and whaling. We drew a life sized mama whale and baby on our street with chalk. We talked about how large they are, how they are mammals and breathe air, how far they can go before coming up for a breath, etc. It was very interesting. It crossed my mind to dramatize whaling, but I was afraid that whomever was playing the whale might be injured by the 'harpoons'. We may give that a try tomorrow, then again, and even though I may be the obvious choice, I'm not being the whale!


  1. Since the kiddies drew their whales on the street, did you get any curious passersby? Glad I don't live in the neighborhood... I wouldn't want to get harpooned either... LOL!

  2. Our street is practically deserted during the day. We didn't see anyone at all.

  3. I'm sure last evening when they got home from work they were thinking, what in the world is that? LoL.
