Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Training Wheels

We took the training wheels off of my youngest son's bike today. He turned 7 in June, so probably this is a little late, but around here, we tend to wait until the child asks to have them taken off. My older son and my daughter immediately stepped up to be the younger one's teachers, teaching him how to balance the bike. I taught my older son using the grassy slope approach and he taught my daughter and now both of them are using their own modified version of this to teach our youngest son to ride. It's kind of a bike-walking technique. It is fun watching the older ones teach the younger one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Hmmm, no wonder my kids learned to ride without training wheels in the backyard. It's a gently sloped grassy area. But we used that method by accident, LOL!
