Saturday, August 06, 2005

Saturday School.

I didn't plan to have any school related activities today, since it is Saturday but I had ordered a copy of the Oregon Trail game from Ebay for a very good price and it was delivered today. It goes along with our Resourcefulness unit, the subunit on the pioneers that we have been studying in the KONOS book. The kids played it for a couple of hours this afternoon and really enjoyed it. At one time I heard my oldest son exclaim "I wish I'd quit shooting myself!" and my daughter at one time said "60 dollars for a milk cow, that's crazy!" Anyway, a little school related play went on here this afternoon.

We didn't really celebrate my daughter's birthday today because the only time her friends could come to the party was tomorrow, so we'll celebrate it tomorrow. It should be a lot of fun.

In other news, I messed up my margins on this blog again and got the sidebar all out of whack. If any of my fellow bloggers could please tell me how to fix it, I'd be most grateful. :-)


  1. Saturday morning is one of our most productive homeschool times of the week! Whatever and whenever works, right?

    BTW, the game sounds neat.

  2. Yep. We get in a lot of extra school time, mainly with our nightly reading sessions. It's all good.
