Friday, August 12, 2005

Our New Additions.

My daughter asked for either a kitten or a puppy for her birthday. I'm a cat person. My DH is a dog person. We already had 2 dogs so we got 2 kittens. The plan was to go and get one, but then the little brother kitten would have been so lonely, so we got a girl kitten and a boy kitten. We are still trying to decide on names. Last night, I brilliantly suggested "Mr. Boy and Mr. Girl" I had meant to say Ms. Girl. The kids got a good laugh at me! Any ideas?


  1. Hi!

    I'm old how about Ricky and Lucy....or George and Gracie....Ronnie and Nancy? Just kidding.... Enjoyed your blog!

  2. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I'm French so I would tend to give you French names... or at least weird names that sound French, the kind of stuff I would have named my own pets. i suggest Rondoudou and Choupette. Ok way too exotic to you guys! i was just trying to be helpful!

  3. I think the kids are going to go with Zelda and Link but thanks all!
