Tuesday, August 02, 2005

On My Mind Today.

Not much, honestly. There isn't a lot going on in my mind or life today. We didn't really do much in the homeschooling arena today. The kids did some reading this morning while I was working and then we went to a homeschool park/planning meeting. The kids played at the park while the moms had a planning meeting. The kids had a really good time running around and still wanted to go for a long walk/bike ride tonight. I'm comfortable with putting an emphasis on PE some days and letting them get a lot of exercise. Tomorrow, we'll do the regular math lessons, reading, spelling and some kind of KONOS activity in the resourcefulness unit for the afternoon. Don't you love the way I haven't planned as far as even tomorrow?! Some homeschool moms have the whole year planned out, every single detail. I'd love to be that way, but sadly, that just isn't me. I am going to get some planner pages to write what we've done, after we've done it, for records purposes, but planning, real planning? Probably not.

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