Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Homeschool Kickoff.

I attended my first Homeschool Kickoff carnival/party tonight. It was great. I have been to tons of carnival things kind of like this at the public school. There were major differences, however. At this one, all of the kids and parents fit in one room and I had met all of the parents before, so I felt comfortable letting my kids circulate throughout the room while I worked at my booth. There were fewer kids so we could do more things. When the kids were told to help pick up the garbage, they immediately pitched in and helped. And, I am not out fifty dollars like I would have been at the public school event, because it would be a fundraiser. It was really a fun night.

One of the best parts is that I got to bring home the extra brownies. I figure the kids don't need to know that part, right? That's now mama's chocolate stash. On a need-to-know basis, they don't need to know. ;-)

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