Friday, July 08, 2005

What We're Reading.

I'm still reading Swiss Family Robinson with the kids at night before bed. I was reading one chapter a night but realized that we wouldn't be done until the fall that way, because the book has 40 chapters. So, we've stepped up to 2 chapters a night. I skipped a couple of chapters outright, the one with the monkey massacre because I figured it would upset the kids and the one about the whale because it seemed kind of gross. I've seen the Disney movie and of course, it was very, very loosely based on the book. The book is very surprising to me, after watching the movie. There is a fourth son, for one thing. :-) There is a lot of insight into how people a long time ago worked to procure food, clothing and shelter. We've done a lot of talking about how this place they've landed can have potatoes which are indigenous to South America, kangaroos which are native to Australia and New Guinea (where they were headed), buffalo and capybara among others. We've also talked about the wisdom of letting the 7-year-old carry a gun and smoke a pipe. It has been a very interesting read, overall.

I am done with my first read-through of The Everything Book of Homeschooling but it has so many web site links that I will spend some more time with the book, looking up all the sites. It is a very good reference. I wish I could afford to get copies and hand them out to people who ask me about homeschooling. It is that good.

I've also started reading The Streetwise Guide to Time Managment, more on that later ...


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I'm surprised your seven-year-old hasn't asked if he can take up smoking a pipe and carrying a gun, LOL! I'm afraid mine would, but I would just tell her it's a boy-thing and leave it at that. :-)

  2. LoL. She probably would! He hasn't yet.
