Monday, July 18, 2005

Resourcefulness Unit.

Home*School*Home We've still not officially started school but we are sneaking a few things in. We read Swiss Family Robinson which was one of the recommended books for the unit on resourcefulness. I'm going to start reading Little House in the Big Woods, also on the list. One of the sub-units for resourcefulness is frontier life. We've also been picking blackberries and making blackberry jam, the first for me and for my kids. I had my daughter make it with my mom instructing first, and then last night, we made a batch together at home. We've been talking about how people preserved food in the past. My daughter is so proud of that jam, you wouldn't believe! We've made 3 jars and so far, one jar has already been completely eaten, on toast. It was delicious. I guess later this month we'll make some attempts to preserve some of the garden vegetables, although really, all that is growing out there is watermelon and tomatoes, a few carrots and one corn stalk. Our dog, Lucy, decided that the garden was the most comfortable place to sleep this summer (especially since we dug it up and made it all soft for her!) and our other dog, Shadow, ate the other corn stalk.

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