Thursday, July 21, 2005

Positive Feedback.

Tonight my parents said that they are proud of the job we are doing with our kids, and especially happy that I'm homeschooling. Is that cool or what? Positive feedback!


  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Cool Deal! It's always a wonderful feeling when parents are proud regardless of what age you are. My mom threw me for the biggest loop when I told her about my plans to persue Medical Transcription and she told me she long ago figured I may not have gone on to college like every parent dreams thier child will but she knew I would find my footing when the time was right.

    Back to your post..they have a right to be proud..I love reading how your children are progressing and they wouldn't progress without such a wonderful mom with a very catchy enthusiasm to learn new things.

  2. Thanks! Yes good feedback is always good. Are you a transcriptionist or a student right now?

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Student..just started.

  4. I hope you enjoy it and are successful. I'm glad I got into it a few years ago.
