Friday, July 29, 2005

One Year Ago

One year ago, I made the decision to homeschool my oldest child, at least for one year, to see if it made a difference in his (and my) stress level and really because I wasn't ready for him to go to middle school. The middle school is much farther away than the elementary school and he was probably going to have an hour bus ride, morning and night and I can't imagine how much homework he'd have, with six teachers every day. He was doing several hours a night, just from one teacher.

We decided to just try it and I am so glad we did. My life has completely changed to the point that I wonder what I even did before. I really enjoy homeschooling and the kids never want to go back to public school, even the one child who never said she didn't like it. The kids have more time to play, go outside and be kids and I get to plan fun things to do with them that we never had time to do before.

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