Tuesday, July 12, 2005

On My Mind Today

I read this article on Yahoo today about kid's pasttimes progressively moving indoors and how kids are less active and all that. I am trying to figure out a way to win the video game/ TV wars here at my own house. The last thing I tried didn't work because I gave in. Would it be crazy to buy one of these devices to do the work for me? Time Limits I think it would be better to just grow a backbone. :-/ Actually, what I think I will do is read an article to them, explain what we need to do and ask for suggestions from them and see what we can do. We all need to be more active.


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    My DH actually sent me a link to this a couple weeks ago and asked if we need it. But like you, I think what we really need is to learn to be consistent!

  2. Sigh. I know. Still, some kind of device would be easier.
