Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Morning Team Time.

I've added something to our school routine this year. It is called Morning Team Time. During this time, I am working on medical transcription and the kids are working together, hopefully, to get their morning stuff done. This has been going pretty well actually. It has surprised me how well they've done. My daughter and oldest son listen to my younger son's reading and help him with it. My older son gives my daughter her spelling words. They all work on math individually, but they've been told to help each other. By the time I get my transcription done, they are all supposed to be done with their morning list, which includes team time, chores, breakfast, and personal hygiene, then we are ready to start with the fun kinds of things we do together in the afternoons. I'm afraid if I mention it here, they'll stop doing so well, so shhhhh! Don't tell anyone!

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