Saturday, July 16, 2005

Finishing the Book.

We finished Swiss Family Robinson last night. I did enjoy reading it, although it was very different than I expected. Now we'll probably watch the movie and compare the stories. We've gotten some of our school work done for this fall by reading it, as it was on the KONOS Curriculum book list in the unit on Resourcefulness. I figure we got at least 10 hours of school in. I'm not sure. I'll have to look up the date we started reading. Now I'm going to get the kids to do a notebook page about the book, our first notebooking adventure. We are gradually easing into school this summer. The public school kids here start back to school in a couple of weeks, so I guess we'll go full time then?


  1. When we read "Swiss Family Robinson" aloud last year, I was surprised how different it is from the movie. Can you believe it began as a father's bedtime story for his sons?

  2. I do think it reads like a bedtime story for a bunch of boys who like to hunt. I think at the end the boys were adding things in like, wouldn't it be cool if we found a bunch of oysters ... :-)
