Sunday, July 24, 2005


I love coffee. I have been a coffee drinker since my teens. A year or so ago, I discovered a coffee-mate type creamer that was chocolate/mocha flavored. Oh my goodness, it was good. After a while though, I decided I'd better quit using it because I used so much and I was gaining weight. I figured I was getting too much in the form of liquid calories. Oh it was difficult. I decided at that time to give up coffee altogether, but that only lasted about an hour. I'm just drinking it black these days, with 1 sugar. Sigh. I miss my mocha.

I do make exceptions for special occasions, however. I did get an opportunity to visit Starbucks for the first time the other night. Of course I ordered the Mocha. ;-)


  1. Have you tried splenda or flavoring syrups made with splenda? They have zero calories. I blogged about them here:

  2. Oh that sounds wonderful! I'm off to ead your blog!

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Speaking of Starbucks..if you ever want something other than coffee then be sure and check out the Chai Latte! My husband is a loyal Cafe Mocha drinker.
