Monday, June 13, 2005

You can't judge a book . . . Getting Blogged.

Last night I decided to sneak in a little of the KONOS curriculum on resourcefulness by suggesting that we read "Swiss Family Robinson". My daughter looked at the cover and said "I don't want to read it. It doesn't look good." I actually got to say "You can't judge a book by its cover." and actually, literally mean a book. Anyway, we agreed that I will preread it somewhat before I read it to them, in case it has scary parts. I've begun reading it this morning and am enjoying it very much, so far.

On another topic, I got frustrated about something and said "poop" and my 7-year-old said teasingly "I don't want to poop!" My 8-year-old thought this was the most hilarous thing in the world and said to him "You know you're getting blogged!" I didn't think the poop part was all that funny, being a little bit older than 10 myself, but the "you're getting blogged" part is very funny to me because it shows that she is tuned in to what I might blog about. I think that it is interesing. We have a new expression at our house 'getting blogged'.


  1. Just surfing and found your site. Love your voice! And I love the phrase "you'll get blogged!" My kids would have hated me having a blog when they were young. As it was I wrote newspaper articles and kids books and they found themselves in them more often than they wanted.

    Your life sounds hectic but happy and that's nice. Thanks for the smile.

    Write on right now.

  2. Thanks for reading! I'm having a great time here!
