Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Scheduling Woes.

I'm trying to come up with a schedule for when we start back homeschooling and I honestly have no idea how to fit it all in. I feel like every person on the planet, just about, is more organized than I am. For my fall schedule I'd like to find time to do KONOS, math, Spanish, chores, personal hygeine, spelling, notebooking, library days, co-ops on Fridays, 3 days a week of going to Curves (alone!) and my job and, oh yeah, housework, grocery shopping, church, and kid's clubs on Wednesday nights, not to mention family functions, birthday parties, doctor's appointments, visiting family and other incidental things. If I could find the secret of getting the kids to work independently, this would not be as much of a problem, but I haven't found the secret yet. Maybe if I put some desks for them right beside mine or move my desk to the kitchen, then I could work while they do their schoolwork. I could take time out from typing to give them the evil eye or an encouraging nod every now and then. As it is now, if I assign them work, then go into my bedroom to do medical transcription, they stop working, 'forget' they even have schoolwork and start doing something else. :-(


  1. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I know, let's each send each other the list of things we need to schedule, and then I will make your schedule, and you can make mine! Actually, your idea of working alongside the kids is a good one, as long as they understand that EVERYONE has to work when Mom works. Otherwise, there will be so many interruptions you will never get any work done, LOL!

  2. I don't think I'd do any better arranging your schedule than I do arranging mine. Sigh. I could write everything on index cards and throw them up in the air and whatever order they land in, that's when you do them ...

  3. Anonymous7:37 PM

    HI..first time reading your blog... I also homeschool... have you ever tried School of Tomorrow..it's student directed paces and minimal teacher involvement.. www.schooloftomorrow.com ..they also have a online diagnostic test...anyway..just thought I would let ya know about it..

  4. Anonymous3:21 PM

    HI! I love reading your blogs! I am also hoping to be more organized next year and get my youngest to do some work independently! In an attempt to try to get there, I am going to try to keep a weekly calendar with list of things to do in my lesson plan book. I seem to do okay with homeschool it is everything else that does not get done!

  5. Me too! Since I've been homeschooling, the housework has gone wanting. I guess we have our priorities straight though. Kid's first, housework last. ;-)
