Thursday, June 16, 2005


My favorite recipes are all quick and easy. The fewer ingredients, the better. Here are some of my favorites.

2 handfuls of spaghetti.
1 can Ragu (our favorite flavor is roasted garlic) sauce.
1 cup water.
cut up hotdogs, prepared meat balls or previously cooked hamburger (optional).

Put in crockpot and cook on low for 3-4 hours.

Peanut Butter Cookies.
1 cup peanut butter.
1 cup sugar.
1 egg.

Mix. Drop onto cookie sheet, bake for 10-14 minutes at about 400 ish, (I think.)

Fruit Ka-Bobs.
My kids are much more likely to eat fruit if it is on a ka-bob. Why? I don't know, but I like to put strawberries, grapes, pinapple and cantaloupe on some kind of skewer for them. I dull the end of the skewer by clippng it with the scissors (or by hitting it on the table if I can't find any scissors!) and make them eat them sitting down because those skewer thingys seem kind of dangerous.

Can you tell I'm not a gourmet? I don't have time to get fancy, usually. It is amazing that I have any recipes at all. My mom is a great cook, but she doesn't measure. After I got married, I'd call her to ask how to make my favorite recipes and she'd say some of this, some of that, but there'd be no measurements. I finally have become that kind of cook too. I usually don't measure either, which means if it is really, really good, I can't repeat it. Sorry. I hope you enjoy it this time because next time, it won't taste like this. :-)

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