Sunday, June 05, 2005

Our Vacation Song

We get silly when we go on vacation. A couple of times, we have made up a song about our adventures, like the time we got lost for 2 1/2 hours in Indianapolis and made up a song that went "you can't get there from here, you can't get there from here. You can get there from anywhere else, but you can't get there from here." We were tired, okay? That's our excuse anyway. Finally some woman led us back to our hotel and actually drove us into the parking lot, not trusting that once we saw the Holiday Inn sign, we could find our way from it, into the parking lot and then into the hotel on our own.

This year, my 6-year-old has taken on the job of writing the song, prior to the vacation. It goes something like this "We're on our way to vacation, uh, uh, uh, uh" (repeat this line about 400 times). My daughter says if he's singing this, she's riding in the other car.

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