Friday, June 03, 2005

My Funny Typo.

As a medical transcriptionist, I get a lot of typing practice. Nevertheless there are common typos that I always make and I have to watch out for them. I have to proofread very carefully. The funniest typo that I make repeatedly is "diet" for "die". Yesterday, I was typing for a psychiatric patient and the doctor asked him if he was suicidal and I typed "No, I do not want to diet."

Of course I corrected it!


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    ROFL! Personally, I really don't see much difference between the two words, LOL!

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I agree with both of you. :-)

    Just also wanted to let you know that I LOVE reading your blog every day. It brightens my day.

    PeterRabbit from MTD. :-)

  3. Thank you PR. So nice to see you here!
