Thursday, June 09, 2005

Games - Post-vacation Blues.

My oldest son got the game Three for All for Christmas and we played it for the first time this vacation. We had a ball with it, mostly I think because we were tired and giggly anyway. It goes like this, there are 3 words you have to get everyone else to guess and then someone has to try and figure out the connection between the 3 things. Whoever figures out the connection gets the points. For example, one list of words was lemon, cough and rain. They're all drops. Lemon drops, cough drops and rain drops. Sometimes we'd get the connection instantly and sometimes we'd all sit and stare blankly until the time was up or we gave up. The more tired we got, the more we sat and stared blankly. LoL. It was a lot of fun!

We also had a good time playing Cranium Zigity, which is a card game and has the added benefit of not taking up much room in the suitcase.

I really enjoyed the vacation but now I think I'm having a little bit of the post-vacation blues. I'm back to work, back to my regular life and back to my own housework. I miss the maid!.



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