Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Birthday Boy.


About this time of the day, 7 years ago today, I was being wheeled into the operating room for a scheduled c-section. I can't believe how quickly the time goes. I remember after he was born and I found out he'd weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and I was really shocked because we'd been told he was going to be a very small baby, maybe 5-6 pounds. Anyway, my now 7-year-old got a Zome building set and he picked out 3 video games for himself, for gamecube. It's been kind of a rainy day, so he had a lot to do indoors to keep him busy. We had the free cake at Grandma's house (since he has his budget to stick to) and it was fun for all. Now, since I am a medical transcriptionist and we don't really get Saturday off, I'll be working for the rest of the evening to make up for leaving earlier today for the shopping and the party. Still, it is worth it. I wouldn't miss his special day for the world.

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