Thursday, June 02, 2005

Be A Statue!

We have a puppy about 6 months old. His name is Shadow. I'm currently trying very hard to teach Shadow not to jump up but he does it a lot. On me, it isn't bad because he's not very big, but for the two younger kids, he is big enough to bother them a little. Today, on our walk, the youngest got the idea to be very still so that the dog would pass by him and not jump up. It actually worked. What was so funny about it, though, was the boy said "be a statue!" and then he'd strike a pose. He wouldn't just be still in the position he was already in, he'd get in some statue-like position every time the dog would come up to him. Think "boy running", "The thinker" or even "The Karate Kid". Hilarious poses. The girl and I laughed until we cried, then we joined him, every time the dog came up to us, we posed. The dog sat down and looked at us, head to the side, thinking we had clearly lost it. It was a fun walk. Although, I can tell I need to go back to Curves and get in better shape again, I was huffing and puffing up that last steep hill.

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