Monday, May 30, 2005

Working At Home.

I have been a medical transcriptionist for 10 years. I started studying through a correspondence course when my oldest son was a baby. I hated to leave him all the time and go to work. I worked in a hospital for a few years and when my youngest was born, I started working at home. I felt like it would be easier to work at home than it would be to work outside the home and not working has never been an option for me. I'd just like to say to all those moms who are thinking about working at home, thinking that you'll get to spend more time with your babies, you will, some, because you won't have to commute but medical transcription is a difficult job to do with young children around. I know the advertisers show a mom typing and her child standing beside her, quietly playing, but that has never been how it has worked for me. I was very fortunate to have my mom as a babysitter when my kids were little. Now that they are middle sized, I still sometimes find it hard to work with them home because of the noise level. It is hard to understand dictation when it is accompanied by very loud, kind of off key, singing of Ned Nostril, Eric the Awful or The Mississippi Squirrel Revival. Trust me. I know.


  1. I agree so much. I can't take a phone call without an interruption these days! To me, it definitely beats going into an office, but it isn't all easy either. It certainly isn't glamorous! Anyone ever had to turn in paperwork with crayon marks all over it? Try to stay professional through that one!

  2. Fortunately, my work goes straight from my computer to the printer at the hospital I work for. Otherwise, they'd probably know I have kids, for sure!
