Sunday, May 01, 2005

Cool Noodles.


Here in Kentucky, when you make chili, it is expected that you put some kind of pasta in it, usually spaghetti or macaroni. Probably to the rest of the country, that's kind of strange, but that is what we do. Its more of a chili mac, I guess. Last night I got everything ready to make the chili but had no macaroni, no spaghetti, only lasagne noodles. So, being resourceful as I am (because I'm not organized so I have to be resourceful), I broke up the lasagne noodles and put them in the chili mixture. I told the kids not to be alarmed that the noodles were 'funny shaped". The chili was very good and my 6-year-old came to me a few minutes later and said 'These noodles aren't weird, they're cool." I guess it is just a matter of perspective.

One of these days, I really plan to get my grocery shopping organized so that I only buy what I'm planning to cook that week ... I can dream, can't I? While I'm dreaming, maybe my housekeeper will do the shopping and cooking, yeah, that's it. Much better.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    It's the Cincy influence. They put spaghetti in or under their chili, too, I hear. Funny thing is, I have been making macaroni with ground beef and stewed tomatoes for years, and just recently, I started adding beans, so I am almost making your kind of chili. A few more spices and a bit of sauce, and I'll be there, LOL!
