Thursday, May 05, 2005

Conversations in the Car.


On the way home from the park, my 6-year-old and my 8-year-old were sitting in the back seat. We had stopped to buy ice cream on the way home. My 8-year-old daughter remarked that she was full of ice cream, but empty of pizza. While we thought this over and wondered how it could be possible, my 6-year-old started making barfy noises because of the kind of pizza she wanted, plain cheese with a cheese filled crust. She said "he's stupid." I said "don't call someone stupid because they hold a different opinion than you do, even if they are not expressing it in a nice way." At that he stopped expressing it so loudly and she said very quietly "he's weird though."


  1. Sounds like some of the "discussions" in our car too.

  2. I bet most parents can relate, especially to little boys and their exaggerated noises!
