Saturday, May 21, 2005

Conversation Last Night.

Last night we were talking about getting a lamp onto the bunk bed, second level, so that he wouldn't be scared and my youngest said "we'll need an extinction cord." My daughter corrected him and said "you mean an instention cord." When my oldest and I finished laughing, we told them it was pronouced "extension cord." Then my older son wisecracked about how, if you plugged a lamp into an extinction cord, you wouldn't have the lamp for too long, because soon, it would be extinct. LoL.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sounds like here, LOL! When it comes time to fertilize the garden, Luke asks, "Are we going to buy that cow senor this year?" He meant "manure," but it's always "senor." Silly boy!
