Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.


Remember the old advertising campaign for Tootsie Roll Pops, in which some kids take a pop to an owl and ask him how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop and he goes (lick ) "one", (lick) "two", (lick) "three", ((((crunch))))) and then says "three"? Tonight my youngest son decided to find out and according to his experiment, it took 506 licks to get to the center and 1012 licks to the middle of the Tootsie until it completely fell off the stick. I'm amazed he had the patience. I've never gotten past three myself!


  1. He's gone and tried to disprove one of the few remaining truths from my childhood! LOL. Sounds like a great scientific experiment there.

    Maybe this actually needs more study. I propose we all try more Tootsie Pops and see!

  2. Yes! Tootsie Pops for all!
