Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bad Words.


Around our house we use substitute bad words. Probably we shouldn't use any at all, I know. Instead of really bad words we use words like "poop." Of course the kids have picked up these words and added them to their vocabularies too. I'm not proud of it but it does make for some interesting conversations. One day, when my youngest was about 3 1/2, my oldest son was eating one of those chocolate oatmeal no-bake cookies. He dropped it on the floor and said "Poop!" and my youngest bent over and looked intently at the cookie and said "That's not poop! It's a cookie!"


  1. Anonymous9:32 PM


  2. We say "carp" at our house. I tried to spell a particular bad word one time and misspelled it "C-A-R-P" then said wait "carp's not a bad word." It just stuck.
