Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Notes to Myself.


I saw a woman yesterday in a pharmacy, with the words "hair appointment 10:30 Saturday" written on the back of her hand. I knew I had seen a fellow forgetful note-writer. Some of us just haven't made it all the way into the information age. Some of us are still in the ballpoint-pen-writing-on-anything age. I write myself crazy notes sometimes. Once, in a lack of sleep-fogged time after one of my babies was born, I wrote myself a note to "feed the laundry". Seriously. I also find it pretty much impossible to call the doctor's office and make an appointment for myself without writing my own name down. Why do I do this? I have no idea. They ask me what my name is, and I tell them, but simultaneously write it down. In case I forget my name???

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